This operation could replace your project file, causing you to lose preferences and objects - Proceed? The disk file “%s” is now locked. To save changes, choose “Save A Copy As…” from the “File” menu. The selected folder is not on the VCS project path. The “%s” operation was not attempted because no acceptable files were found. Version Control was unable to resolve your local project path, please check your preferences. Version Control was unable to resolve the path to the database, please check your preferences. Checking “%s” The CKID for “%s” appears to be incorrect. Remove the invalid CKID? CodeWarrior encountered a problem while trying to process this Version Control command. The %s operation did not process the file “%s”. The file “%s” could not be read after the VCS finished. You should quit and restart CodeWarrior. The file “%s” could not be saved. The %s operation will not occur. The file “%s” is not on the VCS project path. The transaction will continue without it. The file “%s” could not be found. The transaction will continue without it. The status of the file “%s” is unknown. The %s operation failed on the file “%s”. The %s operation was only partially successful. The %s operation failed. An unexpected error occured during the %s operation. The database connection was lost during the “%s” operation. CodeWarrior was unable to connect to the VCS database. Perhaps your username or password was incorrect. Connect to version control as: Version Control Login The selected VCS could not be loaded. You should try reinstalling the dropin. CodeWarrior could not find the selected version control system. Please check your preferences. CodeWarrior was unable to connect to the Version Control database. Version Control Unavailable Read Only File Not In Working Directory Unsaved File Make Writable Unlock Temporary Project version control Synchronize Document Synchronize Selection Disconnect Connect